Dear Friends of the Sacred Heart,
We are writing to you from the front lines of our mission. No, we are not located in Africa, Asia, or South America where so many excellent religious orders have given their lives to bring Christ to the pagan indigenous peoples. We find ourselves on the frontier of a forgotten missionary territory, but where the paganism is no less real: Europe. Here children usually don't want for food or water; they probably have everything their hearts could desire, everything except true love and the key to happiness. They don't die from plagues or famine. They die from moral and spiritual ignorance and apathy. Yes, most are culturally Christian and they are surrounded by symbols, art and architecture that continually makes reference to their Christian heritage. However, the Faith cannot remain a thing buried in the past. It must be a reality lived and loved by the youth of today. 
Everyday we as religious renew our offering to God, nothing less than our whole lives, so that He might use us as instruments, a means to communicate the transforming joy of knowing Christ, His Love, His Mercy, and His Light! We, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Florence, are a contemplative community dedicated to education. Our charism is to glorify the Heart of Jesus, the Love of God made visible in the Incarnate Word, by means of the sanctification of ourselves and others. Through prayer and the development of the interior life, we strive to conform ourselves to Christ and then, through the instruction of the youth, to radiate that love to others.
Why are we in so much need now? Divine Providence has blessed us with an enormous harvest. Within the past year, the number of enrollments have greatly increased at every level of our school; Pre-school, Elementary, Middle School and High School. The challenge we face, however, is that we lack the proper facilities to be able to open our doors to all the souls that come to us.
We have always welcomed every family whether or not they have the resources to pay the tuition. We believe it is important to offer every child, regardless of their social status or their parents' financial income, the opportunity to receive a solid intellectual and spiritual formation. Now we will be unable to accept many children simply because of a lack of funds and appropriately constructed space.
It is for these reasons that we are launching a Development Campaign in order to open a new section for Pre-schoolers age 20 months to 3 years. Often children who begin here in Pre-school remain with us all the way through their high school years.
The moment is critical and the situation urgent. We are in need of immediate expansion and reconstruction. A part of the house that has been used by the community will be transformed into our new Pre-school. This section of the house is in dire need of structural repairs and preparations in order to be ready for the coming school year.
Some of the major works to be done this spring will be:
Repairs of walls, ceilings, and old plumbing
A new children's bathroom installed
Two walls taken down to enlarge classroom space
A new internal staircase constructed to conform with fire
As you read this letter, we are proceeding with our development project, confident in your generosity and dedication to a strong Catholic education. In order to allow us to open our doors to all the children God sends us, we are turning to you for economic support. However big or small, your contribution will enable us to continue this critical work of formation and development of these souls so dear to the Heart of Christ.
In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Viale Michelangiolo 27 - 50125 Firenze, Italia Tel. 39.055.6811872 - Fax. 39.055.6811388
Friends of the Sacred Heart of Florence, Inc. is a recognized Section 501(c)3 Organization.
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